Mary Meets Aggy Sage
by Allison Hummel, age 10, from US
Mary goes to school in September, and June just must go too,
mummy always tells Mary,
"Dont let your sister put pressure on you,
just ignore her nagging and it will go away,"
but Mary had her wonders, she had waited years and days.
Mary gets a new jumper,
she gets a new pair of shoes she thought were swell,
June got a new hat and almost lost it in the well.
When Mary finally got to school
she saw a girl fighing in a pool.
Mary walked up to her and said: "Hello, whats your name?"
The girl replied: "My name is Agatha Sage."
She adds kindly "But you can call me Aggy.
My parents live down the river, we are freed slaves."
Her braided hair bounced as she swung her pole,
as out from the ground popped a velvity mole.
The girls both gasped and laughed,
Mary had three friends now, if you were to ask.
And Mary and Aggy were both quite talkers,
so Mary had a new friend, named Aggy Sage Walker.