The Cat Named Fat
by Andrew T., age 11, from US
Episode 1
Once there was a cat, that was named Fat.
He was very fat.
His body was made of skin,
because he had no bones to begin.
Episode 2
There was a man, that had quite a tan,
he got hot,
so he turned off his pot,
and turned on his brand new fan.
Episode 3
The cat blew away,
the cat's back started to sway,
his back was so soft,
he rolled off the loft,
and that's how the cat blew away.
Episode 4
He blew onto the street, he was grabbed by his feet,
a man took him away from there,
to keep him with the bears,
and now he is obsolete.
Episode 5
Today the cat is so obsolete, he has an oldies beat,
he now lives with the man,
who has a tan,
is an oldies beat so obsolete? |