The Zodiac Animal
by Amanda Maehara, age 10, from US
Once there was a God named Zair. He was the Mighty God of Nature. Zair decided that there should be a zodiac animal, one animal all the other animals could look up to. He decided all the animals in Kenya could try. There would be tests that the animals would be taking. The animal that passed the tests would become the Zodiac animal. Zair thought of holding the tests in Nairobi. He sent crow to tell all the animals to come and try out.
The next day, a line of wild and tame animals were seen. First Zair said, "Greetings! May the first animal in line step up?"
Lion, who was first in line, stepped up. "Do you want me to play Kigogo with this hare behind me?"
"Why, I do believe that will be possible," replied Zair. "Why don't we have everyone pick a partner and everyone start playing?"
"I've got six pebbles in my cup. Let's see how many you have," said Lion.