Recess: School's Out
reviewed by Renee, age 13, US

T.J., Gretchen, and the all characters you know and love
are back in a full length movie!
School's finally out and summer vacation is here. T.J. was
planning a fun-filled summer with his friends, I mean who
wouldn't? But to T.J.'s dismay, all his friends are going
to camps instead of staying home and playing with him. T.J.
can handle this, he thinks.
T.J. is bored and all is going down the drain when suddenly
weird things are going on at the abandoned school. Green lights
and strange noises keep coming out and T.J. investigates.
When he looks inside, there are strange people with laser
guns levitating a safe! When his parents and the cops think
he's crazy, T.J. quickly finds Principal Prickly. Prickly
goes with T.J. to investigate these "laser guns". When Prickly
puts the key into the lock on the front door of the school
he disappears in an array of green lights. T.J. knows now
that he's going to have to bring in the reinforcements: his
T.J. gets his sister to drive him to gather up the gang at
the various camps by threatening to put her diary on the internet!
Once the gang is together they learn that one of Mr. Prickley's
old rivals has a horrible masterplan that will get rid of
the biggest recess of all--Summer Vacation! Will T.J., the
gang, Prickley and the teachers be able to save their school
and Summer Vacation? I sure hope so. You can only find out
if you see the movie.
This film is whole lot of fun. According to some adults who
went with me, it's hilarious even if you never saw the "Recess"
TV series. Exactly the thing to brighten up your day. It's
perfect for the family too. I give this movie 4 stars out
of five. The website is way cool too. Lots of fun interactive
RECESS: SCHOOL'S OUT! is now playing This movie is rated
Official website
Directed by Chuck Sheetz
Screenplay by Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere (creators)
Starring the voices of: Andy Lawrence, Rickey D'Shon Collins,
Pam Segall, Jason Davis, Ashley Johnson, Courtland Mead, Dabney
Coleman, April Winchell and Robert Goulet as the gang, teachers,