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What Dreams May Come

reviewed by Vivian Rose, age 14, from US

You ought to get a free sample of Prozac when you buy a ticket to "What Dreams May Come" because you'll probably need some by the time the movie ends. This is a depressing, surreal confusion that talented actor Robin Williams somehow got tangled up in.

Williams is a doctor who is killed in a car accident - just four years after both his two young children died the same way. Now his artist wife Annie, who had a mental breakdown after the death of her children, is really depressed, so she kills herself. Because suicide is considered a no-no by the powers that be, she rots in hell while he has been reunited with his children in heaven, and is enjoying a good time. But because he can't live - or not live, I should say- without her, he decides to go to hell and save her soul.

The special effects and surrealism gave me a headache, and you'll have a tough time discerning what really happened -that is before they died- and what was just an illusion created in heaven or hell. This is not one of Williams' better serious roles, like his last film "Good Will Hunting". And while the acting was skillful, the movie will put you in a lousy mood. Maybe the ticket- takers ought to give out free Prozac and a coupon for the local shrink. This is what you'd call a feel-bad movie.

My rating: 2 stars

Rating : PG-13 (for thematic elements involving death, some disturbing images and language)

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