The Love Letter
reviewed by Vivian Rose, age 14, from US

"The Love Letter" is a mediocre romantic comedy about small-town people who get very confused.
Helen (Kate Capshaw) falls for Johnny, a kid half her age (Tom Everett Scott) because she mistakenly believes he sent her a love letter which she found in her bookstore. He sees the letter and thinks she wrote it for him! Their pairing really bothered me. It was horrible to watch young, handsome, Scott in love scenes with a woman who looks old enough to be his mother - I kept thinking, "Get him involved with someone his own age, you fools!" Johnny is chased by a girl his own age, and, Helen is also pursued by a man her age, yet they end up together for most of the movie. What's the deal?
The subplots are certainly not extraordinary. Ellen Degeneres plays Helen's rather loose friend, who also thinks the letter is for her, while Helen's mother has a secret lover too (hint - it's someone you'd expect Ellen to like). And, in one of the movie's more entertaining scenes, a policeman gives the letter to his girlfriend, letting her think he composed it!
This film would have been more enjoyable if Everett had been hooked up with someone else. I sure hate to see such a sexy hunk with some old hag. More humorous scenes would have helped, too.
My rating: 2 stars
Rating : PG-13 (For for some sensuality, nudity and strong language)
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