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Simply Irresistible

reviewed by Vivan Rose, age 14, from US

Dieters beware: "Simply Irresistible" is not the movie for you. This fanciful fairy-tale type movie focuses mainly on food, food, food. When I left the theatre I was practically drooling.

This ridiculous depiction of magic and pseudo-witchcraft was less creditable than a politician's campaign speech. Sarah Michelle Gellar (you know her from the hysterically popular "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" TV series) stars as a young chef whose 70-year-old restaurant is finally failing. Then she gets a crush on wealthy department-store owner Tom, who will soon be opening a lavish restaurant nearby. (Sound familiar? This reminded me of "You've Got Email where wealthy Tom Hanks was putting Meg Ryan's longtime children's bookstore out of business.)

Unexplainably, she becomes Super Chef. (Her new culinary skills actually have something to do with a special crab she bought from a ghost-type character.) When she kisses her new beau, they levitate and wind up floating on the ceiling; similar strange occurrences happen throughout this movie.

If I hadn't been so distracted by all the annoying subliminal food messages, I would have been bored. Some of it was mildly humorous, but I just couldn't get past the vastly ludicrous surrealism and hopelessly predictable romance. Not to mention that I must have gained five pounds just watching this movie!

My rating: 2 stars

Rating : PG-13 for brief sexual references

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