Would you like to have a story, poem, article, picture or other creative work published in Cyberkids? To submit your work, email it to: editor@cyberkids.com. In the email, tell us your name, age and country. If you are sending artwork, save the art in JPEG or TIFF format if possible, and attach it to the email. We do not pay for submissions, but if we use your work, we will send you an email telling you when it will be published.
Submission Guidelines
Here are some guidelines our editors use to decide what to publish:
- We especially like stories, articles and poems that are funny.
- Art and written submissions can be on any topic that is appropriate for our audience (ages 7 to 12).
- Stories which include an original illustration or
photo are more likely to be published than stories
without pictures.
- Originality is very important--make sure the work you submit is your own and not copied from someone else.
- In addition to art and writing, we also like to publish games, puzzles, brain teasers, jokes, and multimedia creations by kids.
We look forward to hearing from you!